Tag Archive | sorrow

Prayers & Sympathies To Newtown, Connecticut

Our Deepest Sympathies To The Community Of Newtown, Connecticut

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families, friends and the community of the  Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel over the tragic loss of so many young innocent lives.  Our sympathies, love and support we send out to all families and friends of those have been taken from this world too soon. We pray that the GreatSpirits welcome them with love and compassion. And that each and everyone touched by this devastating tragedy is illuminated and comforted in Divine Light. May you find the strength to endure and live on to hold their memories in your hearts.

I hope the following articles help those looking for ways to cope:
1. When Tragedy Strikes: When Bad Things Happen To Good People
2. Dealing With Trials and Grief

Springwolf holds a Doctorate in Divinity and a Doctorate in Philosophy in Spiritual Counseling. She counsels families and women of abuse.

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